I rummet. I stridens hetta.

När han förstod att pistolen nu var osäkrad och riktad mot hans bakhuvud tycktes den situation hon försatt dem i vara inget annat än oidentifierbart grym och han förbannade hennes existens för första gången i sitt liv.

från väggen.

- I just got of the phone with Mary-Anne.
- What´s the problem?
- I´ll fucking tell you what the problem is. She told me that you went to Florida. She saw you. Drive away. She saw you.
- Louise, calm down. I ain´t been to Florida. I havn´t. I promise.
- Don´t lie! She told me you took the car. And the car was cone. Last Tuesday. And when I came back again it was stil wasn´t there. The car was gone and she saw you!
- I was on a business trip last Tuesday, Louise. I was on a buisness trip. You know that. I told you. Put down the knife.
- That´s not what she said.
- Then what did she say?
- She told me that she saw you take the car, with lot´s of bags in it. You lit a cigarette and took of. With the top down. She said you looked happy.
- How could she know that i was going to Florida?
- She saw it on you.
- How do you see on a person if they are going to Florida?
- They look happy, she said.
- Louise, come here. If I were going to Florida, would I then look happy?
(oidentifierbart grymt)
- I can´t hear you Louise.
- No you wouldn´t.
- Then why did you believe her? Or did she tell you anything else that made her think I was going to Florida?
- No she didn´t, alright? She didn´t even... I am just so scared that you would. I don´t want to loose you.
- You ain´t loosing me Louise. You ain´t loosing me. I promise you that.
- You can´t promise something like that.
- I can do anything for you Louise.
- Stop. You can´t promise me something like that, it ain´t funny. What if they come here? What if they find out your real name? What if they find Molly and Sam? Do we even know what they are capable of?
- It ain´t gonna happen Louise.
- How can you say...
- I just can. Ok? I just can. Now come here.

man 2.

When the new week began his mind still contained numerous questions with no answers in sight. It all felt like nothing but a distant yet painful flash of shame that over and over whooped his back with the weight of a thousand yesterdays.

En ännu längtande kvinling

& möjligtvis gömde sig Louise där bakom.

En slumpmässig dam.


Jag drömde om dig inatt.

Du rökte. Därför visste jag att det var en dröm. Du var levande och du var glad över att se mig, på ditt sätt. Jag skulle hämta mat och när jag bad dig att vänta på mig skrattade du lite. När jag kom tillbaka var du borta. Senare, när jag frågade varför du försvann frågade du:
- Vad valde du till grytan?
- Potatismos, svarade jag.

Du fnös och sa att potatismos fan är det äckligaste du vet.
& sen var vi.

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